Johan Louw
CASEBOOK May 2021 Vol. 29 No. 1 CPD questionnaire
Encopresis & Enuresis – To what extent is Psychological intervention needed?
Ethical considerations in the use of animal-assisted interventions in the treatment of trauma in children
Irlen Syndrome: The Magic, Mystery, and Misconceptions.
Making a differential diagnosis
PSSA questionnaire; June 2021 Vol. 4 No. 1, August 2021 Vol. 4 No. 2, October 2021 Vol. 4 No. 3
Revisiting projective assessment: Cultural and ethical considerations
Revisiting and conceptualizing the complete psychotherapeutic process with children and adolescents
SAJCH June 2021 Vol. 15 No. 2 CPD questionnaire
Busting COVID Myths with Dr. Michael Mol
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Ethical contracting and ‘intake’ interviews
Ethical Diagnosis
How to Market and Grow your Healthcare Practice Ethically
Inward and outward mindset; how it informs behaviour and impacts outcomes
Intelligence Testing in the South African Context
Leveraging resilience theory to support clients to beat (or change) the odds
Regulations of the Popi Act
The core components of trust and self-trust and its effects on interpersonal and therapeutic relationships.
The different mechanisms for craving and pleasure within the brain’s reward system and its role in addiction
Virtual Reality (VR) applications and possibilities
Auditory Processing
A wise Healer Uses what Works: Best for your client
Combining innovation and tradition to advance career guidance in South Africa (Presentation made by me)
Exploring the challenges faced by adolescents
Health professionals’ duty to ensure the correct ICD-10 coding is being used
Medications in Childhood
Personal resilience in a VUCA world
Trauma Incident Reduction
2017 and 2018
Impact Therapy and Creative Counselling Techniques
Intensive Training in Medical Hypnoanalysis – Fundamental, Intermediate, and Advanced -
Optima School Readiness Training
SIAS Policy Training (GDE - 2017)
CASEBOOK May 2021 Vol. 29 No. 1 CPD questionnaire
Encopresis & Enuresis – To what extent is Psychological intervention needed?
Ethical considerations in the use of animal-assisted interventions in the treatment of trauma in children
Irlen Syndrome: The Magic, Mystery, and Misconceptions.
Making a differential diagnosis
PSSA questionnaire; June 2021 Vol. 4 No. 1, August 2021 Vol. 4 No. 2, October 2021 Vol. 4 No. 3
Revisiting projective assessment: Cultural and ethical considerations
Revisiting and conceptualizing the complete psychotherapeutic process with children and adolescents
SAJCH June 2021 Vol. 15 No. 2 CPD questionnaire
Busting COVID Myths with Dr. Michael Mol
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Ethical contracting and ‘intake’ interviews
Ethical Diagnosis
How to Market and Grow your Healthcare Practice Ethically
Inward and outward mindset; how it informs behaviour and impacts outcomes
Intelligence Testing in the South African Context
Leveraging resilience theory to support clients to beat (or change) the odds
Regulations of the Popi Act
The core components of trust and self-trust and its effects on interpersonal and therapeutic relationships.
The different mechanisms for craving and pleasure within the brain’s reward system and its role in addiction
Virtual Reality (VR) applications and possibilities
Auditory Processing
A wise Healer Uses what Works: Best for your client
Combining innovation and tradition to advance career guidance in South Africa (Presentation made by me)
Exploring the challenges faced by adolescents
Health professionals’ duty to ensure the correct ICD-10 coding is being used
Medications in Childhood
Personal resilience in a VUCA world
Trauma Incident Reduction
2017 and 2018
Impact Therapy and Creative Counselling Techniques
Intensive Training in Medical Hypnoanalysis – Fundamental, Intermediate, and Advanced -
Optima School Readiness Training
SIAS Policy Training (GDE - 2017)